Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Economic Rationalism of Education

How is the economic rationalism behind certain course restructures
impacting upon your day-to-day student experience?

The Cost of a Post Graduate Degree

Would the extra cost of having to complete a post graduate degree make
you reconsider a specialised degree? Indeed, would you consider attending
another institution in preference of complete specialist bachelor degrees,
and existing double degrees?

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Creative Arts Students Unable to Complete Majors

Creative arts is being closed down, but the university promised a ‘teach out’ of current students and even took in first years this year without informing them that their subject choices would be severely limited. In fact, there is no choice at all for first years with only 8 subjects being offered this year. Other students are unable to complete their majors due to subject cuts and some students are rocking up to lectures only to realize the lecture no longer exists.

Gender Studies Major Cut

The gender studies major has been cut from the list of available majors under the new model. This is not a politically neutral decision, and its removal does not make sense in the context of the university’s rhetoric of ‘breadth’. The gender studies major, previously women’s studies, is an area of study that has been politically fought for and its removal can only be seen as trying to remove dissent to white hetero male HIStory.

Growing Esteem - Distribution of CSP places

Not only will it now take you longer to complete your degree, but most of these postgraduate courses will be at full fee cost, leaving students with a massive debt. Of the Commonwealth Supported Places [HECS] available, only 15% will be means tested, leaving many students unable to afford the cost of an education. This represents a shift to an increasingly corporatised higher education sector and sets a precedent for other universities to follow suit. We want CSP places to go to students who need them most, means testing of ALL CSP places would make this possible.